Monday, 30 December 2013

Moving House!

When I moved house I went into slight panic mode....where would everything be? I thought about writing on the boxes - what was in each one but then how would I know where the box was as we where moving? (slight OCD there!)

I then came up with the idea of numbering each box and then creating a master list - On this list would be the number, what was inside the box, where the box should be put in the new house, a section to say if the box had been unpacked. I'm sure lots of people already do this and will not see this as the wonderful amazing idea that I did but hey! I was proud of myself! lol

This Idea worked really well especially as I was ill (not intentionally!) during quite a lot of the packing - James carried on my packing list ( although not in the detail I originally had! But it was ok!) which really helped when we moved in here - I could see where all my craft stuff was for a start! But it meant we had everything in the correct room as soon as we had moved in.

Click here to download the pro forma I used - I have given you just over 40 boxes to be getting on with! haha!

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